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Nepali.Rocks is free app for Nepali Music lovers. The app has the biggest library of Nepali Songs lyrics and chords. We currently have the database of more than 3000+ Lyrics and 800+ Guitar chords. All the chords are manually checked for accuracy.
We cover all genres of Nepali music from Pop, Modern, Rock to Movie songs.
Navigation:1) You can view songs with chords only or Lyrics only.2) Save your favorite songs for offline access.3) Search History for easy access.4) Alphabetically Ordered.
Artists with most Chords (Alphabetically):1974 ADAdrian PradhanArun ThapaAruna LamaBhaktaraj AcharyaBipul ChhetriCobwebDeep ShresthaDeepak BajracharyaDipak KharelThe Edge BandMukti And RevivalNabin K BhattaraiNarayan GopalNaren LimbuNepathyaPrem PariyarRaju LamaRohit John ChhetriSabin RaiSanjeev SinghSugam PokhrelSunil Giri
Recently Added Songs with Chords:Bipul Chhetri - SyndicateBipul Chhetri - Ram SaileeTrishna Gurung - Khani Ho YahmuResham Filili - JaalmaAlmoda Rana Uprety - FuntasticKamal Khatri - Tasbir1974 AD - Nepali HoKabaddi Kabaddi - Mayaka BadalJerryy - K Yo Maya HoAxix - Mero Prem 2
Recently Added Songs with Lyrics only:Kamal Khatri - Tasbir 2B-8eight - Miss KollywoodWada No. 6 - Surke Thaili KhaiNarayan Gopal - Timile BhanekaNarayan Gopal - Kehi MithoChino - Mohani Lagla HaiKamal K Chhetri - I Love YouKamal K Chhetri - Timrai Mayale
If you any concerns regarding the app please mail us at [email protected]